Memories Need to Be Preserved
It’s funny how things happen and when they happen.
I was simply staring out my kitchen window while the hamburger was cooking and the noodles were boiling and the clouds looked so perfect. The sky was just stunning! The trees framed it perfectly and I had to go grab the camera!
It’s always been that way with me! I’ll be walking down the street or down the aisle at a grocery store and something will catch my eye or someone for that matter. Someone just having a perfect moment. Like a father and daughter having a very in-depth conversation about what crayons to get for the upcoming school year. It’s a moment that so many of us would probably take for granted, if we were to be honest with ourselves. Especially if we were in it! We would never even think twice about how precious time is or how precious that specific moment was.
That father is probably thinking he’s just talking to his five-year-old about what crayons she wanted, but what I saw was a moment that should be captured for years to come! A moment that that little girl would treasure as an adult when her elderly father had passed away or was sick or battling some kind degenerative disease that took away those precious memories! Memories that we all take for granted.
When I picked up my first camera at the age of 9, I didn’t know that that little piece of equipment could keep memories safe for years to come! I didn’t know that one day the pictures I took just for fun would be the ones I’d pull out as a 38-year-old mother of 4 to reminisce on the good times I had when a particular picture was taken. Like one of my brother gutting a crappy in his blue cut off jean shorts and no shirt at the picnic table, or the one of me and my younger cousins in the awful 80s fashion that we all thought was cool, or the one I took of my grandfather deflating our blow up raft or mattress I don’t really remember, but he was bent over taking the air out of this big rubber thing.
It’s pictures like those that will remind me for years to come of spending every 4th of July in Stanley, Idaho with my brother and my grandparents. It’s pictures like those that will bring tears to my eyes every time I think about my grandparents long after they are gone. It’s the memories that this little photograph provides that will always remind me how blessed I was to have a grandmother who lent me fifty cents so I could buy my first camera so I could start building a love for the art of photography at age 9 that would lead to starting my own business at age 38.
Taking a photo to some is just that, taking a photo, nothing more, nothing less. But to me, taking a photo is capturing a moment in time and preserving it for years to come! That is why I took my first official class in NYC, that is why I got into this business and that is why I plan to do this for the rest of my life. Because every memory deserves to be preserved for generations to come.
I look forward to preserving your memories too. If you are ready to check out my work and book a session, click here. Talk soon.