Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman

SAHM Re-Evaluated

So, I wrote a post about two years ago about turning in my resignation and becoming a stay-at-home mom being the hardest decision of my life. Well today I realized it’s been over two years now!!!

Two amazing years where I have not regretted that decision once! Now don’t get me wrong I have days I still feel like I’m wasting my education and some days I feel like I’m not contributing anything into this family and I feel super guilty if I buy anything for myself because I don’t work for the money I’m spending. But I do not regret being a stay-at-home mom.

I missed my first sons first rollover. I missed his first crawl, and his first giggle because I was at work. But now I got to see my baby not only take his first roll or first crawl but his first step! His first smile, his first time blowing me a kiss. I got to hear my three-year-old say I love you back first after I read him a book at bedtime.

I get to know what my babies like to eat vs what they don’t. I get to be the parent they run to when they get hurt. I understand my three-year-old when others don’t. I get to experience all the firsts for both my babies and I don’t regret any of it!

Today as I was watching my one-year-old enjoy his bubble bath while screaming back and forth with his brother in the living room, who was jealous that he wasn’t in the bath, it hit me, this time is fleeting and I get to enjoy it. So, I should never feel like I’m wasting my education or not contributing to the family, because I am.

My babies are being raised by me!

I am there when they wake up, I’m there when they are hungry, I’m there when they fall down and get hurt when they are attempting to run with their brother even though they just learned to walk. I’m there every night to put them down for the night, to read to them and give them hugs and kisses and to tell them every night that I love them. So many nights my husband is working late and he’s not able to be there for all of these important things and if I was working neither would I, so I’m grateful I get to be. It’s a true blessing so many mamas don’t get to experience!

Being a SAHM hasn’t been all butterflies and rainbows, it has definitely taken some adjustments to get used to it. But every day I wake up to the sound of my baby calling for mommy, it’s totally worth it. Every day I get to wake up to their smiling faces and every day I get to go on the many adventures of the toddler years with them! I get to play with them, I get to imagine the big box is a space shuttle and the blankets and chairs make the best forts. I get to hear them giggle at what the other is doing. I get to watch them grow, so becoming a SAHM might have been the hardest decision I ever made but being a SAHM is the best decision I ever made! And I’ll never regret it!

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