• Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman

    And Now He’s Walking!

    It seems like just yesterday I was stressing out trying to find someone to come over to watch my two-year-old during the time my husband and I would be at the hospital giving birth to our new little man. But now I look at him and he’s already one. He has a personality all of his own to go with his big stature and every day he learns or does something new. One day I’m worrying about when he’s going to crawl for the first time and then he gets up on all fours and the next thing I know he’s off chasing after the cat! But still not able to pull…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman

    Hold Onto Your Babies

    Something really scary happened the other day that I just can’t shake. I came around the corner to find my baby hanging from his swing. Hanging! He was screaming and crying, but I didn’t think anything of it, I put him in the swing for his nap and buckled him in as usual. Then, I went and got the broom, got his brother into the high chair for his lunch and got his lunch ready. Then, went back and swept the floor, walked by the baby, he was fine, wasn’t happy I was making him take a nap, but he was fine. So, I swept the floor. When I finished…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman,  Wifey

    Four-Thirty Feedings

    One word of advice: cherish them! Yes you read that correctly, I said cherish them! I know I do!!! I cherish them because I know they too will pass soon. Babies grow and eventually won’t need you during the night, they will be sleeping soundly through the night. So I cherish the 4:30 mommy and me time. Especially now that this will be my last time doing it. It’s different. As mentioned in other blogs this time around I have found the blessing in the pregnancy and everything that it entails. The morning sickness meant everything was going as planned, the back pain meant my baby was growing, the hip…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman,  Wifey

    I Cry

    Before you tell me I’m doing a good job, you should know what really goes on behind closed doors. I cry. A lot! I’m exhausted! I’m pushed to my limits with the tantrums and the yelling. I get frustrated, I scream and yell and sometimes I just want to run away for a few hours. I lose my cool. So I cry. So before you tell me I’m a great mother you should know I feel like a complete failure. It’s not what you think. I take long showers because I’m crying and thinking of all the ways I have failed my children in the course of the day. And…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman

    My Heart Hurts

    My heart is hurting. I cannot even begin to put into words how I’m feeling about this loss. I was excited, but now, I’m devastated. Friday we found out she was having a boy. By Sunday we had a name, Jayden. By Tuesday her water broke at 21 weeks. By Thursday he was born and died in a matter of seconds. A mother and father that was excited to meet their first baby is now a mother and father who are mourning the greatest loss no parents should ever have to experience. As for us, we have a loss for words. Conflicted feelings, but too ashamed to say them. We…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle

    The Joys of a Teething Baby

    A teething baby is hard let’s get that out of the way first. But a teething baby that has their molars coming in earlier than normal, now that’s a freaking nightmare! Yup, you guessed it, that is what I’m dealing with on a daily basis right now. My son is only 16.5 months old. The dentist told us we had about 6 months before this would happen, but guess what! They were wrong!!!! All honesty I should have known, he’s done a lot of stuff early on. But I was hopeful! But now—now I have a cranky toddler who throws himself on the floor for no reason. One who won’t…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle

    The Best Part of My Day

    For as long as I can remember I’ve been getting up early, working all day, coming home to clean and cook then bed just to get up and do it all over again. Some days I worked so much I didn’t even cook, I went through a drive through somewhere. I was literally so exhausted I just wanted to sleep when I got home. If I got five hours of sleep, it was a great night! But for the last two months my days couldn’t been any more different. To start, instead of an alarm going off at 3am, I get woken up by the laughter of a toddler around…