Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman

I See You

All you mamas out there fighting traffic to get the grocery shopping done after the kids are gone to bed, even though you are so exhausted you just want to be sleeping too!

I see you!

All you mamas who have dark circles under your eyes because the baby is teething, so no one is sleeping!

I see you!

All you mamas with God only knows what stains on your shirts and no energy to change so you just go with it, knowing there’s really no point in changing it anyways, because the baby will most likely spit up again in a few minutes!

I see you!

All you mamas trying to wrangle three toddler age kids into the car while putting the groceries in the trunk and every single one of them fighting you to get in their seat!

I see you

All you mamas that try to keep a clean house but at the end of the day it looks like you did absolutely nothing all day long!

I definitely see you!

Being a mom is hard, being a mom of toddlers is even harder! They cry for no reason at all or it’s because their banana broke in half! Or they wanted to wear the sock after they just took the sock off! Toddlers are a lot of work and so I’ll be the first to tell you, it is okay if you don’t get everything done! It is okay if the laundry piles up for a day or two, or the floors aren’t mopped for a week-what’s the point you know those crazy kids are going to throw their dinner on it right after you mopped anyways right!? Just swifter it! It’s faster and easier!!!

It is okay if the house is a little messy and not in perfect order, as long as those babies are fed, loved, and happy, it’s all good in their world, they don’t care. All they care about is whether or not mommy reads to them or plays with them or a lot of the time, just sit with them while they are talking about nothing.

But the biggest one ladies, it is okay if you decide to not get out of your sweatpants today! If you’re not going anywhere, why get dressed up? Be comfortable and remember to those babies you are beautiful, you are a queen, you are the most important person to them and they don’t care what you look like.

I think as women we are harder on ourselves than anyone else. We hold ourselves to these unrealistic standards that no one can keep up with, especially if we have kids constantly running behind us needing all of our attention.

So, from one mama to another, give yourself a break! Put the kids to bed early and go run yourself a nice, hot bubble bath! Put on some music and grab your favorite book and take a minute for a little self-care. And most importantly DO NOT look at the house or the to do list. And lock the door, that way your husband can’t come interrupt to tell you how his day went or to ask what’s for dinner or why the house looks a mess or anything else. This is your time! And repeat after me: “SELF-CARE IS NOT SELFISH, ITS A NECESSITY!!”

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