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Being Christian That’s Pro-Choice, an LGBT Friend, who Drinks and Curses

So today I had someone approach me about being Christian. She said she would never have known going off my Facebook or blog posts. When I asked her what gave her the impression I wasn’t, she said it was all the opinions I have about LGBT community and the comments on abortion and the cursing in some of my posts and the biggest thing is the posts about drinking or needing a drink. I mean this lady was shocked, she even asked how Christian I am, am I just a believer or baptized and all that. Like the kind that attends church on Christmas and Easter only or a regular attendee.

This girl has known me for a while. And since she was questioning my Christianity. I figured I’d write about it.

First, you should know, yes, I am a Baptized Christian that attends church almost every Sunday. I say almost because if the baby is up all night, I stay home with him while the other two goes to church. I’ve been attending church regularly since my freshman year in high school when I asked a friend to go with her and her family. Ultimately, they saved my life.

Secondly, I am pro-life for myself but PRO-CHOICE for every other woman alive. I will never get an abortion myself, but I am not God, therefore I do not feel it is my place to judge any other woman.

Now with that being said, let me explain myself further, I do not support women spreading their legs and getting pregnant and using abortion as birth control. We are all old enough to know how you get pregnant and how to prevent it. And in this day and age where you can get birth control for free, there really is no excuse. But at no point would I support a rape victim or a child who was abused to carry that baby to term. So, there you have it.

As for the LGBT community, again I am not God. I do not judge, nor do I care who people love. I grew up thinking I was going to be disowned if I brought home a black man. Grew up being told it was wrong. Wrong to love a person of another race. Wrong to have children with a person of another race. Wrong to marry a person of a different race. When I myself am a product of my mom having a baby with a man that was another race. A man up until I did 23andme I thought was full Native American but then found out he’s Native American, Spanish, and about 20% of a mixture of races including .06% African! So basically, I’m blended!!! So how is that wrong???

So, for me to tell another person loving who they love is wrong, it’s just not in my nature. I love everyone!

Do I judge them because they love someone of the same sex? No.

Do I judge a man who was once a woman or visa versa? No!

Nor will I ever judge them. It’s just not my place.

Now for the idiotic reasons: so much cursing and posts about needing a drink.

Well I’m a mother! And a stay at home mother at that! And honestly if it’s a curse word my grandfather would say like shit, damn or hell, I don’t consider them curse words. Curse words I’ve never heard him say in all my 37 years like the F-word or the B-word, those are curse words. Both I won’t use in my posts unless I’m pissed!

And as for the drinking posts, show me a place in the Bible where it says we can’t have a drink or two. I know it says one shall not get drunk off wine, Ephesians 5:18, but they drank wine in the first communion as a representation of Jesus’ blood.

Again, I am a mother. I have a teenager that is constantly breaking the rules and pushing the boundaries beyond belief and I have a toddler that would rather starve than be fed by someone other than himself and who decides when he wants to sleep through the night vs when he decides to stay up all night playing in his crib. I also have a family that has more going on in our personal life and business life that I need a drink sometimes. And for that I will not apologize for.

I will never apologize for not pushing my religion down your throat in order for you or anyone else to know I’m a God-fearing Christian. But I am. I pray every day multiple times and every morning I dedicate an hour or so reading my bible studies. I do not judge those who don’t believe, instead I pray for them to be saved. Especially when it comes to family because as a believer I know where I’m going and when I get there, I want to be reunited with everyone I loved on Earth.

I will not ever apologize for being me and doing the things I do or believing the things I believe in; God knows my heart and He knows I love Him and worship Him and Him alone.

And as long as I know that, I don’t need to act a certain way just so that everyone knows I’m Christian.

Sorry not sorry!


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