• Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman

    I See You

    All you mamas out there fighting traffic to get the grocery shopping done after the kids are gone to bed, even though you are so exhausted you just want to be sleeping too! I see you! All you mamas who have dark circles under your eyes because the baby is teething, so no one is sleeping! I see you! All you mamas with God only knows what stains on your shirts and no energy to change so you just go with it, knowing there’s really no point in changing it anyways, because the baby will most likely spit up again in a few minutes! I see you! All you mamas…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman

    And Now He’s Walking!

    It seems like just yesterday I was stressing out trying to find someone to come over to watch my two-year-old during the time my husband and I would be at the hospital giving birth to our new little man. But now I look at him and he’s already one. He has a personality all of his own to go with his big stature and every day he learns or does something new. One day I’m worrying about when he’s going to crawl for the first time and then he gets up on all fours and the next thing I know he’s off chasing after the cat! But still not able to pull…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman

    SAHM Re-Evaluated

    So, I wrote a post about two years ago about turning in my resignation and becoming a stay-at-home mom being the hardest decision of my life. Well today I realized it’s been over two years now!!! Two amazing years where I have not regretted that decision once! Now don’t get me wrong I have days I still feel like I’m wasting my education and some days I feel like I’m not contributing anything into this family and I feel super guilty if I buy anything for myself because I don’t work for the money I’m spending. But I do not regret being a stay-at-home mom. I missed my first sons…