• Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman

    I See You

    All you mamas out there fighting traffic to get the grocery shopping done after the kids are gone to bed, even though you are so exhausted you just want to be sleeping too! I see you! All you mamas who have dark circles under your eyes because the baby is teething, so no one is sleeping! I see you! All you mamas with God only knows what stains on your shirts and no energy to change so you just go with it, knowing there’s really no point in changing it anyways, because the baby will most likely spit up again in a few minutes! I see you! All you mamas…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman

    And Now He’s Walking!

    It seems like just yesterday I was stressing out trying to find someone to come over to watch my two-year-old during the time my husband and I would be at the hospital giving birth to our new little man. But now I look at him and he’s already one. He has a personality all of his own to go with his big stature and every day he learns or does something new. One day I’m worrying about when he’s going to crawl for the first time and then he gets up on all fours and the next thing I know he’s off chasing after the cat! But still not able to pull…

  • Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman,  Wifey

    Looks Can Be Deceiving

    Three people in one house hold: one morbidly obese according to the scale, one as fit as can be according to the scale and one maybe a tad bit skinny according to the scale. Now which one would you think you’d worry about being unhealthy?! Hold up, not so fast….first let me start by explaining why this topic has come up. In October, my cousin lost her husband, a man not too much older than me, he was overweight and didn’t workout regularly nor did he have a healthy diet, but he died unexpectedly nonetheless. During the time I cried every time I thought about it, but not for the…

  • Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman,  Wifey

    Memories Need to Be Preserved

    It’s funny how things happen and when they happen. I was simply staring out my kitchen window while the hamburger was cooking and the noodles were boiling and the clouds looked so perfect. The sky was just stunning! The trees framed it perfectly and I had to go grab the camera! It’s always been that way with me! I’ll be walking down the street or down the aisle at a grocery store and something will catch my eye or someone for that matter. Someone just having a perfect moment. Like a father and daughter having a very in-depth conversation about what crayons to get for the upcoming school year. It’s…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman

    Hold Onto Your Babies

    Something really scary happened the other day that I just can’t shake. I came around the corner to find my baby hanging from his swing. Hanging! He was screaming and crying, but I didn’t think anything of it, I put him in the swing for his nap and buckled him in as usual. Then, I went and got the broom, got his brother into the high chair for his lunch and got his lunch ready. Then, went back and swept the floor, walked by the baby, he was fine, wasn’t happy I was making him take a nap, but he was fine. So, I swept the floor. When I finished…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman

    I’m Failing….Or at least I feel like I am!

    Everywhere I look I see unfolded laundry, dirty dishes, or a toy. In the living room I see unfolded blankets, and un-vacuumed carpet. In the boys’ room I see an unorganized dresser and closet, a basket full of laundry and a hamper full of dirty laundry. And in our room I see a room that hasn’t been properly cleaned in probably 6-8 months because I’m constantly trying to keep the common areas clean! And failing! I’m failing! Some days all I want to do is cry! My toddler is crying yet again for no reason, he wants his stuffed animal, then he doesn’t. He wants to be picked up, then…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman,  Wifey

    I Fear For My Family During These Times

    I’m married to a black man and I have black kids and every day I fear for their lives. Every day we hear another story of another black man being brutalized or murdered by a police officer. And every day I fear for my family. My son is sixteen and wears hoodies like Trayvon Martin. My husband is a hardworking, every day, normal black man who sometimes drives too fast, but is always the one at our store late at night. Both I worry about on a regular basis. I worry that my son will get accused of doing something he would never do because he matches a description of…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman,  Wifey

    Halloween as a Christian Mother

    When I met my husband, I knew he didn’t celebrate Halloween and I knew why. I heard the reasoning behind it and I thought it was preposterous. You see he’s been a Christian his entire life, however he attended a church for a while that made him believe Halloween was for witches and witchcraft and for devil worshippers. The church had him believing that if you celebrate Halloween you are going against God and therefore you are sinning. Preposterous right???!!! So, I knew from day 1, I would not be marrying a man who would be sharing in my love for Halloween. In fact, it was a topic I brought…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle

    Becoming a Mother

    I got asked today if I thought becoming a mother has changed me? And to be honest I would think this is a “captain obvious” moment, but this person was serious. She truly wanted to know if having my son has changed me. My answer was not simple, it was real and raw. To be honest, if becoming a mother doesn’t change you, then I personally think you shouldn’t have kids! Becoming a mother changes everything from your body, to your mind and your spirit. It changes your behavior, your lifestyle, your thinking, your everything! You develop routines you didn’t have before, you lose sleep, you gain weight and you…

  • Everything Mama

    Unexpected C-Section

    I want to talk about child birth for a minute. Today I found out my coworker had her baby last night at 30 weeks. She was rushed in for a C-section because of preeclampsia. I never had that and it wasn’t even a concern for my pregnancy but I had to have a C-section too. And that’s what I want to talk about. When I was told I had to have a C-section I was devastated. I felt like my body failed me, I felt like my child was ripped from my body instead of me giving birth to my child. I felt broken. I had a plan and I…