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Saturday Mornings Are the Best!

Every day I wake up early to take the puppy out, then feed the pup, then out again to finish his business. Then, it’s on to the kiddos and the start of our very busy day. First, it’s baths, then the fight of getting dressed and it’s never in the right clothes or the right sweater, o and let’s not get started on the socks, mommy those don’t match! So, it’s the battle of finding matching socks! Then it’s downstairs for breakfast. One kid wants the same thing every morning, chocolate toast, so that’s easy, but the other one, omg Heaven forbid if you give him the same thing two days in a row! And heaven forbid you try to feed them eggs and bacon!

Then it’s reading time, three books every morning, and almost always at least one of those books will be the same as the day before! But what can you do, at least they finally sit and enjoy the book with you.

Then, it’s ABC and numbers time as we wait to go to school. And it’s the thousand and one, “mommy I want to go to school!” And me telling him we don’t have to be there until 12:15! For the thousandth time and time again! But then it’s finally time to go! Then, come back, lunch for the little guy, then go back to school, then home for a second lunch if the big guy didn’t get enough at school because he didn’t like the snacks that were provided that day. Then, it’s a little tv time before dinner while the little man takes a nap and the big guy chills.

Every day, Monday through Thursday! With Tuesday being even busier since that’s the day both boys go to school back to back and I have to get up even earlier!

But then Saturday comes and I finally get to sleep in! I get up with the puppy and then my amazing husband allows me the luxury of going back to bed to sleep a bit more while he takes care of the morning routine with the boys!

But some mornings I don’t sleep!

I enjoy listening to daddy with his boys! And it melts my heart!

I hear things like little Ezra and daddy saying, “No Papa,”

“eating cookie,”

“no papa,”

“open your mouth,”


With Ezra getting louder and louder with every “No PaPa” and laughing so loud every time he say “HaHaHa”

And I get to hear daddy tell Elijah one more time, “get up in your chair and eat! Why are you so busy sir?”

Like a four year old is going to be able to answer with a serious answer! Nope he just says, “cause I Lijah, I always busy daddy!”

At least he tells the truth huh! My little boy!

So, you see why Saturdays are the best! Cause I get to lay in bed and just listen to the joy these two little boys have with their daddy!

Every day he’s gone way before they wake up and some days he gets home after they go to bed, so Saturdays are their day! Their daddy day! And now that we finally got the house in a place where we aren’t constantly working on something at least they get the mornings to hang with daddy.

And I get to sleep! Or just lay here and enjoy the beautiful sounds of joy and happiness coming from the common area.

Hearing my children’s laughter is truly what makes Saturdays the best! It’s only one day a week, but I think we all need that one day a week, for many different reasons. So, take your one day a week mamas, whatever you do during that time, enjoy it, but also enjoy these times with your babies, because they are only little for a short time, so read one more book, cuddle more, laugh more and play in the snow no matter how ridiculously cold it is outside!

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