Know Your Truth and Believe It
Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought to yourself as being ugly or having a “fat day”? We all have these days, especially women. This blog is to hopefully boost your self esteem and your personal thought about the image you see staring back at you. I grew up hearing more negative things about myself than positive, so it’s no surprise when you find out I grew up with low self esteem. Being told I was short, fat, ugly, stupid and that I wouldn’t amount to anything was a normal day in my household. And to think people thought I was this person’s favorite, most prized child. You…
Know Your Worth
Ever thought you weren’t good enough? Ever looked in the mirror wondering how you got to this spot in your life? Ever questioned what your purpose on this planet was for. Thinking you’ll never be good enough or smart enough or pretty enough. Well guess what every person on this planet has had some kind of doubt or negative thought at least once in their life. No matter where you look, every person has something wrong with them, or at least that’s what they think. You may see this beautiful, strong person, but what they see in the mirror might be something completely different. Because we are not perfect, even…