We Need to Change Ourselves
You know sometimes you come across situations that you just can’t keep you mouth shut about. I have two situations that was just that!
First up, a little girl and her father at the toy store. She was paying for her toys and didn’t have enough money. Her father had the nerve to scold this five year about not having enough. Saying crap like, “you should be ashamed of yourself for not knowing if you had enough before coming up to the register.” This little girl was humiliated and by her own father! Then her older sister came up and said “don’t worry sissy, I have some extra!” And handed the little girl some money.
Now where should I start?! First, let’s start with how crappy of a human being this father is! To ridicule a five year old, whom he probably gave the money to because she’s five, she doesn’t have her own money. But then to humiliate her in front of an entire line of people! Then, for all these other mothers and fathers to sit there and not say anything!
This place was packed with people, at least six other people in line, the cashier is in the dead center of the room with people all around! Not to mention the cashier! And I was the only one besides the little girl’s sister who said anything! I told the guy if anyone should be ashamed of themselves it should be him! And I added in…and everyone else here staying quiet when I know y’all heard everything he said to this little girl! I was fuming mad! The older sister made up for it! But this is why kids these days grow up and become the adults they do!
Now let’s discuss the opposite spectrum. I was driving home after picking up my son and while I waited for the light to change, two cars back. There was this woman with an elderly woman walking behind her with a cane. The first woman was walking really fast to get across before the light changed. But the older woman was struggling. Walking really slow. If you didn’t know it, you’d never have guessed they were together, but then the younger woman stops turns around, puts her hand on her hips like she was so pissed and she screamed something at the older woman. Now I had my windows closed and I couldn’t hear what she said, but by the looks of it she was screaming for the older woman with a cane to hurry the f up.
Then, the light changed! The woman with the cane was still crossing. Now I wasn’t in a hurry so it didn’t bother me whatsoever, but when she finally made it across, the car in front of me turned at high speed, squealed tires and all, so it obviously bothered him. And all I see was this younger woman scolding the woman with a cane, obviously for taking so long.
Seriously what is wrong with people! She is old, she needs help walking, but her granddaughter or caretaker whatever she was just scolded her and watched.
If these two real life situations don’t tell you what is wrong with our country, I’m not sure anything will! It’s not Trump’s fault our country is going to crap, it is not Obama who made these two people ugly! It’s not Congress or the Senate! It’s us! We are the problem! We need to look in the mirror and truly take a deep look into our own souls! We as a society have become so ugly and hurtful that if God came back today we would all be left behind to burn in the fiery pits of Hell!
We need to do better people! When I was younger there was a saying “It takes a village.” Now mind you I lived in a small town in Idaho, but you bet your butt, if I needed help my neighbor would give me a dollar to help. And my neighbor would put my dad in his place in a hot second if he treated me like that in public. What happened behind doors they had no control over, but out in public it was the village who raised us. And back when I was growing up, we respected our elders. We waited on them, willingly! We didn’t get frustrated and we most definitely didn’t curse or scream at our elders.
The world we live in today is what’s wrong with the world we live in today! We are the problem! We need to change! We need to fix ourselves so we can fix our society! We should be ashamed of ourselves!