Hold ‘Em a Little Tighter
Every morning I get woken up by a happy little guy playing in his crib. All smiles while he looks into the camera and says “mama, mama” over and over. Every day he is excited to get out of his crib, get some grub and run around the house and even more excited if we leave the house to drive around town.
But not today…
Today was different. Today the big guy didn’t wake up until I went to wake him at 9:49. He wasn’t smiling and he wasn’t playing picaboo with his blankie. Instead he simply handed me the blanket and sat back down. When he finally stood up to get out of his crib he just went with the motion. He wasn’t excited to see mommy was putting on socks, which is an indicator that we are leaving soon. Which on a normal day he’d be handing the socks to mommy and giving her his foot one at a time to put them on, then hand mommy his shoes. But not today.
Nope, he just went with it.
He didn’t want to eat breakfast. He didn’t want his ducky, or his favorite sippy cup, he was just not himself today.
And halfway through grocery shopping he rubbed his eyes like he was sleepy again. Only an hour and half after I woke him up. So, we finished up and went straight home.
At home he played for a minute, running around the house picking up some stuff and dropping it for someone to find later. Then he dropped his empty canister of formula which had about a teaspoon or so still in it, which in turn went onto the floor. He stuck a finger in it because that’s just what my little guy does. And straight to the mouth went the finger. Then it got even more weird.
He started coughing. And acting like he had something in his throat that wouldn’t go down or come back up. I figured it was just some dry formula getting stuck not going down, so I handed him the sippy. He knew right away what to do and drank and drank and drank. A few minutes later thou, he started sneezing and coughing over and over again.
I put him in the position for a choking baby and started patting his back. And that is when he vomited.
But not just a normal vomit, no it was projectile vomit. All over the new blanket, the couch, the floor and all down the front of his brand new, first time wearing perfectly white “Team Grandpa” onsie.
But he got whatever it was in his throat out because at nap time he drank half a bottle. And fell asleep after a few extra minutes in mommy’s arms.
And when daddy got home, he was back to his happy little self, giggling and playing picaboo with his blankie. He was back to my happy little boy.
I hate seeing him not feeling good. And I hate not being able to tell what was wrong. There were no signs of him being sick, no fever, no sweats, no sneezing or coughing besides right before he vomited. He had no symptoms.
So, I rocked him a little while longer at bedtime. I sang a little while longer and held a little tighter. Because when it’s an upset tummy all you can do is love on them just a little bit more. Call it “mommy power” or whatever. But this action seems to heal all things with no normal symptoms.
It’s the same “mommy power” that can kiss any booboo and make it feel better.
So, I rocked him a little longer and held him a little tighter.