The Giggles Keep Me Going
Being a pregnant mama to an extremely rambunctious two-year-old is hard!
The non-stop crying! The refusing to eat! The climbing everything, but not being able to get himself down!! What’s up with that!!!!!! The constant need to be with you but not wanting to do anything except watch tv or climb on you!? The not wanting to keep his diaper on, but refusing to potty train because pooping in the big boy toilet would be way too easy!
The list goes on and on!
But the sound of giggles when playing peak-a-boo with daddy, makes it all okay!
But wait…more crying! More climbing, more tantrums! More unhappy moments for this big guy!
Then, more giggles! And then more crying, but this time for no reason!
This is my day! Day in, day out!
But those giggles and those hugs and those kisses, and the baby snuggles…makes it all worth it!
Being pregnant while trying to understand why your two-year-old is so unhappy is hard! But every day when I wake up to his little conversations he’s having with his lion or dinosaur in his crib, it brings a smile to my face and no matter how hard it is to get out of bed, no matter how tired and exhausted I am from not being able to sleep, it’s worth it!
My little boy is worth it!
And as I gear up to have another little boy in just a few days, I think about all the what if’s, I wonder if it will always be worth it. And without a doubt the answer is yes!
Yes, it’s worth every tear, every tantrum, every frustrating moment, it is so worth it!
I am excited to see my two-year-old with his new baby brother! I’m excited to see how his behavior changes when the new baby comes home.
I’m so excited to be a mom to two amazing little boys, with double the giggles, double the snuggles, double the kisses and hugs, and double the tears, crying and tantrums.
Because my boy is worth every minute!