The Joys of a Teething Baby
A teething baby is hard let’s get that out of the way first.
But a teething baby that has their molars coming in earlier than normal, now that’s a freaking nightmare!
Yup, you guessed it, that is what I’m dealing with on a daily basis right now. My son is only 16.5 months old. The dentist told us we had about 6 months before this would happen, but guess what! They were wrong!!!!
All honesty I should have known, he’s done a lot of stuff early on. But I was hopeful!
But now—now I have a cranky toddler who throws himself on the floor for no reason. One who won’t eat anything, won’t sleep through the night even though he started sleeping through the night at a month old. Noooooo, I have a toddler who won’t chew on his teethers unless they are frozen, but they only stay frozen for a short time since his saliva thaws them and then it’s back to screaming and crying for no reason. He wants to cuddle but then pushes away after two seconds because it hurts his mouth to lay his head on my chest?! Not sure how that works but yeah…. and did I mention he puts everything in his mouth, I mean everything! Yesterday I caught him chewing on the cat food bag. Not the cat food, but the bag! But he won’t eat any food.
We went through the whole teething season with the front teeth and that was bad. But to be honest, this is way, way worse than anything I have experienced. Because he’s not talking yet. No, he says mama, dada, daddy, Titus, Keykey for the cat. And yum and eyyyyyyyy, which is supposed to be his screaming. Lol. I’ve been trying to teach him sign language, you know the basics, and he only knows eat. He can however follow directions really well and he knows the word “no” very well. But he can’t tell me what hurts. So, he cries! And cries! And cries!!!!
So how do we get through this teething season?
Honestly, I still don’t know. But we are trying to survive!
A person only has 16 molars, not counting the wisdom teeth that you get taken care of later in life, so if one comes every other month, I’m estimating we have 32 months to go!
Wish us luck!