When You Know You’re Home
It’s the smell of cows in the air.
It’s the speed limit changing to 80 and the interstate opening up to four lanes moving in one direction.
It’s the rolling hills and the many fields of different colors from all the food and crops being grown.
It’s the left turn off the ramp then the right turn onto the Emmett Highway.
It’s passing the field that always has horses in it, no matter what time of the year.
It’s passing the family owned restaurant on the corner where you spent many Friday nights shooting pool and enjoying a juicy cheeseburger and fries.
It’s the white double Ds protruding from the land that you once called your high school, home of the Huskies where my name still hangs in the gym as part of the 2002 State Championship softball team.
It’s crossing the canal that you were told not to swim in, but you did anyways on those hot summer days.
It’s the left turn down the main drag that goes straight through town passing the first place you ever worked and the many of places you used to hang out.
It’s the freedom of saying things like “the main drag or jockey box” and not feeling weird because those around you don’t know country slang.
It’s the smell of the greasy food from your favorite ‘50s themed drive in, where you can count on the food still tasting the same and knowing you can feed an entire group of people for $50 bucks.
It’s the home feel as you cruise down that road and pass the first bank you ever opened an account at, or the first church you ever attending, willingly 😁.
And it’s the many streets you pass as you think of all the different houses you once lived in.
That’s when you know you’re getting close,
But what really does it is the welcoming of your grandparents smiles and hugs as you pull into their driveway from a long and exhausting drive home, that’s when you know you have made it!
Family is everything! Remembering where you come from is everything! Being humble is everything! Especially this time of the year. I miss my family, it has officially been one year since I have seen them! And in that year I have had a baby, my sons have had birthdays, we’ve sold our rental, we’ve survived a pandemic and quarantine in the NW.
This time of the year is especially hard for me, I grew up spending my holidays and breaks from school in the winter wonderland of Garden Valley Idaho with my grandparents. And there’s nothing like grandmas home cooking or the tradition of driving around on Christmas Eve to see the lights.
These memories will always be there, t by but sometimes it’s the little things that bring back the feelings a small town can give you! The list above are my little things that always brings back good memories of growing up in a small town.