• Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman

    Keeping Your Toddler Busy

    Our little man just turned one last month and we had a birthday party for him. I’ve been struggling since becoming a SAHM, I haven’t had to entertain a one year old all day, so I didn’t know what to do. So, for his birthday, I asked guests who were bringing gifts to bring books instead of cards and educational toys only. And for the most part everyone obliged. We received some great gifts and my one year old has already figured out his favorites, those he can stay busy with for hours. So, if you are in my boat and struggling to find ways to keep a toddler entertained…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman,  Wifey

    Deciding to get Pregnant

    I’ve discussed in an earlier post about my son’s birth, but I haven’t mentioned the journey I took that lead me to that point. Most people don’t know this, but I never wanted to have my own children. I wanted to adopt. I wanted the guarantee factor of having a child that looked like me. Or at least had the same color of skin. You see I grew up being darker than anyone in my family and because of this I felt different. I felt out of place. I felt like I didn’t belong, sometimes. Not that my family ever made me feel this way, they didn’t, but I made…

  • Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman

    We Need to Change Ourselves

    You know sometimes you come across situations that you just can’t keep you mouth shut about. I have two situations that was just that! First up, a little girl and her father at the toy store. She was paying for her toys and didn’t have enough money. Her father had the nerve to scold this five year about not having enough. Saying crap like, “you should be ashamed of yourself for not knowing if you had enough before coming up to the register.” This little girl was humiliated and by her own father! Then her older sister came up and said “don’t worry sissy, I have some extra!” And handed…

  • Everything Mama,  Modern Day Woman,  Wifey

    Hardest Decision of My Life: Becoming a SAHM

    Making the decision to become a stay at home mom has been the hardest, but easiest decision of my life thus far. I always knew I didn’t want my children being raised by strangers, but I also knew I didn’t get multiple degrees to stay at home. So what do you do when your baby stops eating and sleeping at daycare? You write your resignation letter. I have been with my job for going on five and a half years. I have a management team that supports and cares about their employees and a working family that notice when you are out. I have a great shift where I get…

  • Lifestyle,  Wifey

    Keys for Success…in your Marriage

    What’s the key to a successful marriage? I’ve wondered about this for almost as long as I’ve been alive. And since I’ve been married for three years now finding the answer to this million dollar question is even more important. And here’s what I’ve realized thus far. There is no simple answer to this question. My entire life I’ve had one example of a successful marriage, my grandparents. As of last month they have been married 60 years, raised four kids, my grandfather retired from the military and then did night school in order to start a new career as an Electrician, all while my grandmother raised their four kids…