Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman,  Wifey

Love At Any Age

I have seen some major heartache in my life but I have also witnessed some even more heartache and nasty breakup from the older generations in my family. And the one thing I have learned from seeing and experiencing it myself is this…

There is no right age to find love!

And I don’t mean this “short lived” love, I mean true love!

Take for instance my uncle, he has been married before, he has had different girlfriends over the years, but 25 years ago he met the one! My Aunt Theresa. And the love you see them share is something I’ve never seen before; growing up was gross to watch all mushy and kissing and him slapping her on the butt and showing all sorts of affection, but he hasn’t stopped! And they are both in their 50s. That’s what love is supposed to be like! They still go on dates, they still do the things they love doing together, like hunting, fishing, camping, etc. But they also have their own hobbies, which I have learned over the years is very important.

Then, you have my grandparents. Got married when my grandmother was just 16 years old, so far married 60 years and they still have so much love! They came from a generation that has been instrumental in my life, a time when, “if it was broken, you fix, not get rid of.” They have raised four kids while my grandfather was deployed, fought in the Vietnam war and while moving across country just 16 years later when my mom was sixteen. They have built numerous homes. My grandfather has retired from two careers, first being the military and then as an electrician with his own business. They support each other to the fullest, even if sometimes it hurts one or the other. They have taught me more lessons on life and marriage than I could ever read in books or learn on my own.

The biggest lesson- you fight for what you want.

But before I go into that, let me first discuss my first lesson, there is no right age for finding your true love!

And that is where my own mother comes into play!

Now this woman has had a world wind of hurt in her life, but it’s not my story to tell, so I won’t. All I will say is that I have seen her get hurt again and again over my life. And she has fought battles no woman should ever have to fight. She raised two kids with some help from my step dad and a lot of help from my grandparents, but it was not without trials and tribulations along the way.

But after all of that, after a 20-year period of being with the same man who mentally broke her down daily, she has found Edward! A man she dated when I was two, but called it off for her own reasons, then got a second chance seven years ago. And it’s been love ever since.

I just spent two days seeing the love these two have for each other and that first lesson, there is no right age for love, is true! They both have been through it. They have fought a hard battle called life. Edward has been through divorce and has even lost his second wife to brain cancer, and mom has been through so much hurt. But together they are blissfully happy!

He supports her in everything she does or wants to do. And she supports him and all his endeavors. They have similar interests; they do things together. And the biggest thing, after a long day at work, my mom comes home to a clean house and dinner ready, and vice versa when he works. They work together.

It’s so refreshing to see her happy! And even if she was able to find this love later in life at the age of 53, she still has plenty of life left to enjoy it and road trips, and vacations and so much more with her love by her side.

Now for the second lesson I learned about love: fight for what you want.

My grandfather told me growing up, no matter what you don’t ever settle! You don’t ever lower your standards. With anything! You want a career-you fight for it! You fight for your family, you want the perfect man, you wait until he comes!

Over the years I was told my standards were too high, some would even tell me I needed to lower them if I ever wanted to find true love. But here’s the thing, I always had my grandfather’s voice in the back of my head telling me to never settle! And I refused to lower my standards!

And around the same time my mom found love with Edward, I found the most amazing man in the entire world. The one who I truly feel with all my heart was made specifically for me! He met all my standards and exceeded in some. And even thou I saw almost all of my friends marry their sweethearts, I held out! I knew I’d find the one I’d love for the rest of my life. And that is exactly what happened! And seven years later I’m more in love with him than I ever was! So the age lesson couldn’t have been any more true!

So a lesson to all the women out there, young and old, don’t worry! Love will find you and it will be worth the wait!


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