Know Your Worth
Ever thought you weren’t good enough? Ever looked in the mirror wondering how you got to this spot in your life? Ever questioned what your purpose on this planet was for. Thinking you’ll never be good enough or smart enough or pretty enough. Well guess what every person on this planet has had some kind of doubt or negative thought at least once in their life.
No matter where you look, every person has something wrong with them, or at least that’s what they think. You may see this beautiful, strong person, but what they see in the mirror might be something completely different. Because we are not perfect, even the prettiest person will always have someone prettier, the strongest man on this planet may have won the strongest man contest, but there is always someone out there that is stronger, he just doesn’t participate in the contests. Even the smartest person in this world at one point or another in their life, doubted themselves. It’s the world we live in.
But all that doesn’t matter, what matters is how you feel about yourself when you look in the mirror. It’s how you perceive yourself is how other will treat you. I’ve seen some of the strongest people with many admirers all around them break down because of their own doubt. Michael Jackson said it best in his song, Man in the Mirror, if you want to fix your world, you need to start with the person you see in the mirror, if you want something better out of your life, the only person who can change it is the person staring right back at you.
Every day for the last 20 years I’ve looked in the mirror thinking the worst of myself, and I blamed my step dad for calling me ugly, stupid and worthless my entire life. I never thought I was good enough, no matter what I accomplished in my life. For example, I graduated from high school receiving a full academic scholarship to college, while playing sports and working full time, I wanted more. I got a degree when no one else in my family did, I wanted the next one, I got my masters and now I want my doctorates. I wanted a career, now I want my own business. I wanted a house, now we are planning to build our next one. I wanted to be a size 16 for my wedding but bought a size 14, when I was a size 20.
Everything I have ever done I did it for someone else. I did it to prove to someone else, mostly my step dad, that I am smart, I am gorgeous, and I am worthy. But deep down inside it didn’t matter cause at the end of the day I didn’t want it for me. There will always be people who want you to fail, there will always be those people who look at you and judge you. There will always be people who are jealous of what you have achieved. But what matters is if you achieved those goals for yourself. And I am PROUD to say I am finally doing this for myself.
I looked at my wedding pictures and see a beautiful woman who worked her ass off to get into the dress she bought 4 sizes too small. And I now want to know what that woman would look like in a size 10. It’s 8 sizes from where I’m at now. But I can do it because I want it. And for the first time in my life I want it for me. Not anyone else.
Only you can dictate the way you feel about yourself. Only you can determine if what the next person says about you affects you, so know your worth and don’t ever let anyone take that away from you, like I did for so many years.