Today Was a Rough Day
How can being at home with your baby all day ever be a rough day?
That’s what I used to think every time I heard a stay at home mom complaining about her life. Every time one would say, omg let me tell you….and then go into this rant about how they couldn’t do this or that because of the kids. To another stay at home mom that in turn then complains about how she didn’t want to come back from the beach house. I kid you not, I got so annoyed about them complaining and being so unhappy with what I thought was a perfect life-not working in corporate America.
Now I know differently! I used to hate the idea of being a stay at home mom. Honestly, I hated it because of the image these women painted it to be. Being bored, shopping all the time, having to take the kids here and there and not having a moment to themselves. And because honestly all they did every time I saw them was complain about their lives, I vowed I’d never become a stay at home mom.
These women made it seem horrible, they all had careers before quitting to take care of their kids. They were teachers, nurses, one was an attorney and they all decided to stay home.
But if it was so miserable why would they stay home??
That was the million-dollar question I never got answered. We stopped taking Titus to the speech therapist in the building so I never saw these women again. But the time I did experience their constant complaining about their lives, that stuck with me.
So, when my husband came to me and said have you thought about staying home? See for us, it was simple, he made more, our son was not doing so good in daycare and the daycare he was going to had three open cps cases, so we needed to act fast. So, I wrote the resignation letter with tear filled eyes.
But now….
Now I’d never change a thing! Now I think of those women and know, it wasn’t that being a stay at home mom was a horrible thing, no it was that they had resented their husbands for making them stay home. They hated every minute of it because they didn’t want to do it. It was them that made their lives miserable.
Every day I wake up to a happy baby that looks at me, every morning like I’m an angel sent to him. The look and smile on his face is pure bliss. Pure love. He has enough energy to make me have energy. He fills my heart with more joy and more love than any other person I’ve ever met in all my 37 years. And every day is an adventure! Every day he learns something new. He experiences something new with every minute of our days. He is a blessing.
And I have said it before, but I’m saying it again, I’d never change a thing! Because I get to see him grow each and every day!
And there is nothing about being a part of that, that can make being a stay at home mom horrible. And believe me, we have bad days. Today for instance was a rough day. But even on the roughest days, he still smiles at me like I’m the only one he needs. Well until daddy walks in from work. And that is okay with me, because I get him all day from the moment, he opens his eyes all the way to when I put him down at night.
Even on the roughest days, he is my true blessing that makes those days worth ever minute.