• Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman,  Wifey

    Loving the Small Things

    As I was sitting in church today I noticed this older couple in front of me. They showed so much affection to each other that it made me jealous. And I know I shouldn’t be, but it did something to me I never thought about before. Here is this little old lady with a tiny diamond on her finger who showed so much love to her husband. More than I show to my husband who gave me a huge rock! And I know the size of diamond doesn’t matter, but here this woman who has probably been with this man since before the Great Depression and she is still so…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman,  Uncategorized,  Wifey

    I Feel You!

    If you are feeling overwhelmed, like nothing you do is good enough. I feel you! If you feel like all your efforts are falling on deaf ears. I feel you! If you feel like all you do is clean, but yet the house is never clean! I feel you! If you feel like you have no energy left in your body but you have no choice but to keep going. I feel you! If you feel like you are failing your child/children every single day. I feel you! If you feel like you can never get enough sleep, even when you take naps whenever the baby does. I feel you!…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman,  Wifey

    Christmas on a Budget

    These last few months have thrown many obstacles at our family. From an abandoned rental property after it was turned into a drug house, a loss in sales at our restaurant due to the horrible weathers to many other issues that come up with owning rental properties and a franchise with employees. And it all couldn’t have come at a worse time, Christmas!!!!! But the worst part…we found out about our rental property after booking our mini vacation to Idaho for the holidays. I know our family isn’t the only family that goes through these type of setbacks right before a holiday. And I know we won’t be the last.…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman,  Wifey

    Building New Thanksgiving Traditions

    Every year I get asked the same question, “How will you be spending your Thanksgiving?” And every year I give the same answer, “Making a thanksgiving dinner for me and the boys and watching some football.” Then the follow up questions. “Will you be with your family?” “Will your husband’s family be there?” “Are you able to make it home to see your family?” “Just you and the boys?” These questions never end. And when they get honest answers, I get the guilt trips or the horrified looks on the people’s faces…I mean why wouldn’t you want to spend thanksgiving with your husband’s family. And once again I tell the…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman,  Wifey

    Halloween as a Christian Mother

    When I met my husband, I knew he didn’t celebrate Halloween and I knew why. I heard the reasoning behind it and I thought it was preposterous. You see he’s been a Christian his entire life, however he attended a church for a while that made him believe Halloween was for witches and witchcraft and for devil worshippers. The church had him believing that if you celebrate Halloween you are going against God and therefore you are sinning. Preposterous right???!!! So, I knew from day 1, I would not be marrying a man who would be sharing in my love for Halloween. In fact, it was a topic I brought…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman,  Wifey

    Deciding to get Pregnant

    I’ve discussed in an earlier post about my son’s birth, but I haven’t mentioned the journey I took that lead me to that point. Most people don’t know this, but I never wanted to have my own children. I wanted to adopt. I wanted the guarantee factor of having a child that looked like me. Or at least had the same color of skin. You see I grew up being darker than anyone in my family and because of this I felt different. I felt out of place. I felt like I didn’t belong, sometimes. Not that my family ever made me feel this way, they didn’t, but I made…

  • Everything Mama,  Modern Day Woman,  Wifey

    Hardest Decision of My Life: Becoming a SAHM

    Making the decision to become a stay at home mom has been the hardest, but easiest decision of my life thus far. I always knew I didn’t want my children being raised by strangers, but I also knew I didn’t get multiple degrees to stay at home. So what do you do when your baby stops eating and sleeping at daycare? You write your resignation letter. I have been with my job for going on five and a half years. I have a management team that supports and cares about their employees and a working family that notice when you are out. I have a great shift where I get…

  • Lifestyle,  Wifey

    Keys for Success…in your Marriage

    What’s the key to a successful marriage? I’ve wondered about this for almost as long as I’ve been alive. And since I’ve been married for three years now finding the answer to this million dollar question is even more important. And here’s what I’ve realized thus far. There is no simple answer to this question. My entire life I’ve had one example of a successful marriage, my grandparents. As of last month they have been married 60 years, raised four kids, my grandfather retired from the military and then did night school in order to start a new career as an Electrician, all while my grandmother raised their four kids…

  • Everything Mama,  Lifestyle,  Modern Day Woman,  Wifey

    Know Your Worth

    Ever thought you weren’t good enough? Ever looked in the mirror wondering how you got to this spot in your life? Ever questioned what your purpose on this planet was for. Thinking you’ll never be good enough or smart enough or pretty enough. Well guess what every person on this planet has had some kind of doubt or negative thought at least once in their life. No matter where you look, every person has something wrong with them, or at least that’s what they think. You may see this beautiful, strong person, but what they see in the mirror might be something completely different. Because we are not perfect, even…